For a traveller unfamiliar with the tropics, it is easy to look at the Caribbean as an endless blur of sugary white sand, swaying palm trees, hammocks, resorts and rum drinks. The seasoned globetrotter, however, knows that the differences are in the details, and each island has its own charm and personality.

What is known as irie in Jamaica is called limin in Barbados, and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Of course, the only ice you are going to find in the Caribbean is in your drink. The umbrella is completely optional.
Limin In Barbados
Limin is another name for chilling out, and that is exactly what you will be doing in Barbados, which is the easternmost island in the Caribbean. Located 160 km of St. Vincent, Barbados is situated on the South American and Caribbean tectonic plates, and its geographical position is the reason why it has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The island is not only intricately ringed with an impressive array of coral reefs, but it is also composed entirely of coral, and this gives the sand a translucent, pink hue. Chilling out is one thing, but when you can do it sitting on a gemstone beach, you know you have found a little patch of paradise. However, limin takes on many shapes and forms, so after a few days of relaxing on Crane Beach, be sure to check out the following highlights.
1. If you have never gone diving or snorkeling before, Barbados offers the opportunity of a lifetime. This is your chance to be the next Jacques Cousteau. The west coast of the island is famous for its reefs. Discover an underwater world of colourful fish and exotic marine life.
2. When you think about Barbados, you probably do not imagine spelunking. However, the island known for its exquisite rum production is also known for its underground tunnels, caves and lakes. The island’s coral core has created a labyrinthine system, and you can get a glimpse of it when you visit Harrison’s Cave. A motorized tram drops you below the earth’s surface and into a magical world of stalactites, stalagmites, waterfalls and bedrock. The highlight, however, is the emerald pool.
3. Put on your favourite Billabong shirt and take a surfing lesson. The Soup Bowl is the island’s famous surfing hotspot. However, if standing on a piece of waxed-up fiberglass as a monster breaker is heading for you is not your thing, you can forget the jammin and just sit back and watch the professionals.